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Please read this important information about returning to 'in-person' gatherings

YES..that means you can come back to church!!!


While it is very exciting that we will finally be able to return to worship together, it won’t be the same as before COVID.

We appreciate your patience and understanding with all these new processes.


A reminder to:

  • Please 'wear' a face mask

  • Sanitise hands upon entry

  • Keep physically distanced (1.5m)

  • Stay home if unwell 

  • Use QR code to sign in


Due to our current restrictions there is only one main space available, with a limit of 20 people. 


Unfortunately due to area density limits (1 person per 2m2) we have limits of how many people can occupy each of our buildings.


Our main church building (Auditorium) now has a limit of 90 people but because we have to space people apart, and we need to include those serving in the  service, we won't ever get close to that maximum. Therefore, in order to have as many people as possible worshipping together, we have provided two additional spaces on our property and have equipped each space with the means to livestream our worship service. 


Our hall will provide an extra 50 people capacity and our playgroup/creche room an additional 20-30 people capacity. And while i know that it won't exactly be the same as being all in one room, it allows more of us to gather together for in-person worship. 


No Lifeway Kids or Creche

Unfortunately at this point in time, we will not be providing a children's program (Lifeway Kids) or Creche ministry. However, we will be providing the playgroup/creche room for parents/carers of Pre-school aged children only (Bookings are essential as space is limited in this area). Tash Gellert has put together some amazing activity packs for all children which will be available for parents/carers upon arrival. Unfortunately school aged children will not be permitted in the playgroup/creche room. The space will be set up to view the livestream of our service in order to offer parents and carers of pre-school aged children an opportunity to still gather in worship together. It is not be operating as a creche or playgroup facility however there will be some space and a few toys for the pre-school aged children to be occupied. The outdoor playground will be closed. If you have both pre-school and school aged children, we recommend you book your family in our auditorium or hall.


Bookings are Essential

In order for us to return to 'in person' gathering, we need to adopt the Victorian Govt's policy of electronic booking/registration. This will mean using the QR code.

It will also mean you will need to book your seat each week by using an online ticketing system. 

You can do this online through our website or by calling our church office on PH 5291 5197 (during office hours which are Tues -Thurs 9am-12pm). 

    • Tickets (free of course) will become available each Tuesday from 9am.

    • You can book through the church website ( or by calling Danijela in the office (PH 5291 5197 during office hours.

    • Please only book for your family

    • Tickets will be issued and will be required upon entry (on your phone is ok). Tickets will be emailed in PDF upon your registration or if you have booked over the phone can be collected upon arrival. These are essential to bring with you. 

    • Two seat automatic spacing will occur for each booking to keep people socially distanced

    • You can select where you sit in our auditorium and hall (seat allocation) but for the playgroup/creche room it will be general admission and no seat allocation (but you will still need to book for the playgroup/creche room and be mindful to be spaced apart 1.5m).


No morning tea available unfortunately

Unfortunately because of our area density limits and because we cant provide and share food and beverages there will be no morning tea available until further notice.


Live streaming available

For those who can't make it in person, or still feel unsafe to do so, we will be live streaming the service through YouTube click here to live stream

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